Ultraman World Championships
PO BOX 1916
Hawaii 96750-1916
Phone 808-938-7930 – 808-938-7815
Fax 808-939-9556
Co-Race Directors: Sheryl & David Cobb

**Note: if you have specific questions about the Day 1 or Day 2 Bike courses; ie: gearing, equipment choices, etc… please contact David directly at <DPCpresto@gmail.com> and he’ll reply as promptly as possible! You can also request specific types of Course files for upload into your various smart bike computers, smart watches, etc…
Or e-mail ultramanworlds@gmail.com
The Ultraman World Championships truly is a world class event. We are grateful to our sponsors for their continued support and are continually looking to begin new partnerships. If you or your company are interested in sponsoring our event, please contact Sheryl Cobb at 808-938-7930 or e-mail ultramanworlds@gmail.com and we’ll send you a sponsorship package.
Inquire to host an Ultraman event
Those who have completed an Ultraman event know the experience is unique and personal. To ensure the Ultraman events preserve their unique characteristics and experience, the Ohana Loa Board of Directors have established a set of guidelines and procedures potential Race Directors need to follow. If you are an experienced race director and are interested in bringing an Ultraman event to your local community, please contact us at ohanaloainc2012@gmail.com.